

You will feel gentle stimulation of energetic points on the body to promote treatment of a variety of conditions. Acupuncture is practiced throughout the world and has a history of over 2000 years of development. These points on the body’s surface correspond with organ function and when stimulated activate the body’s inherent wisdom to bring successful treatment. Western scientific studies have proven the effectiveness of acupuncture for a wide variety of medical conditions. Most insurance is accepted.

Chinese Herbal Formulas

From the extensive pharmacy comprising over 275 FDA regulated and tested Chinese herbs, you will have your own custom formula to treat your individual needs.  Internal formulas are compounded to treat a variety of conditions from pain to internal medical conditions.  External application compounds are also available to apply to areas of pain.

Face Reading Consultations

Discover the hidden energy within yourself and learn how to fully stand in your power.  The face reveals, not only the state of your organs, but also your given talents and abilities.  Obtain clues to the inner you and thrive on the path of life.

Telemedicine Treatments

Consulting patients via telemedicine, CT utilizes facial, tongue and spirit level diagnosis to provide you with an accurate understanding of your various organ and spirit heath. He teaches you verbal healing techniques, personalized meditations and breathing exercises to address you as an individual. CT also performs drum healing and other spiritual treatment modalities to improve your health.

QiGong Meditations and Exercises

Benefit from specialized techniques to promote relaxation, stress reduction, and improved energy.  Learning these powerful practices will help increase your treatment progress and give you tools to maintain your health and longevity.

Drum Therapy

Drums are used to promote healing and enhance the depth of treatment.  Feel the rhythm of the five elements pulsing through the tissues and organs of your body bringing calm and ease.

Nutritional Counseling

Utilizing Chinese herbal dietetics and current medical research, a nutritional plan is created for you to optimize health and wellness.


Glass cups are placed on the back to alleviate stress and tension.  Similar to massage therapy, cupping invigorates blood flow and melts away tight muscles.

Heat Therapy

Infrared therapy provides comforting and therapeutic heat to areas of pain.  Relax while you enjoy the warmth soothing muscle aches and discomfort.

Mentorship Opportunities

For students and practitioners of Chinese medicine, CT offers both in-person and virtual mentorships. In ancient times, learning was transferred from master teacher to student. CT Holman creates a similar learning environment at his clinic and via the internet. A wide variety of subjects are taught including, facial diagnosis, Chinese shamanism, drum healing and acupuncture.